Have you ever stepped out of the shower and fallen over on slippery wet bathroom tiles?

Falls in the bathroom are a common occurrence because of excess water which causes many to lose their footing.

That’s why it’s essential to ensure the right type of flooring is installed, minimising slipping risk and preventing injuries.

One such material is rubber, which offers a particularly effective solution due to its non-slip properties.

In addition to this, it’s also cost-effective, waterproof and easy to keep clean, making it the perfect option for bathroom flooring.


The Benefits of Rubber Bathroom Flooring

Installing this flooring in a bathroom offers a wide range of benefits and useful qualities, including the following:

  • Waterproof, so excess water from the shower, sink or washing machine will not cause any damage.
  • Shock absorbency, ensuring any dropped items such as mirrors and glasses will not break.
  • Long lasting durability, with a lifespan of up to 20 years.
  • It offers a cost-effective flooring alternative compared to other materials such as tile and slate which can easily become cracked and broken and require costly replacement.
  • Non-slip, minimising instances of falls and providing a softer surface if any falls do occur.
  • Easier to maintain and keep clean than other materials.
  • Provides a comfortable standing surface.

Suppliers of Quality Rubber Flooring

For over 20 years, iRubber have supplied the country with high-quality rubber flooring products for a range of applications, including bathrooms. We offer options from reputable brands such as Roppe, Burke and Dalsouple, ensuring long-lasting and hard wearing products you can trust. Choose from a range of colours, textures and types, including sustainable recycled options that benefit the environment. For friendly advice and assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more.